DUI Evaluations: Explained
DUI evaluations determine risk by identifying the extent of alcohol or other drugs (AOD). The DUI evaluation determines risk to self, risk to the public safety and risk to recidivate. The DUI evaluation only determines risk and does not diagnosis dependency on alcohol or other drugs.
There are three phases to the DUI assessment.
Objective Test
Collateral Interview (strongly encouraged, but not required for the DUI Evaluation.
The information is entered into the electronic DUI Service Reporting System (eDSRS) and will determine the risk classification.
Risk classifications: the “minimum” intervention required. In the past risk levels were classified as I-Minimal, II-Moderate, II-Significant, or III-High Risk. The classifications used today are:
Minimal Risk (10)
Moderate Risk (10/12)
Significant Risk (10/20)
High Risk (75)
After the risk level has been identified, the treatment provider will complete a clinical interview gathering additional information to complete a biopsychosocial assessment and an ASAM assessment to determine the level of care and medical necessity for treatment.
The ASAM criteria provides the addiction field with a nomenclature for describing the continuum of addiction services, as follows:
Level 0.5: Early Intervention.
Level I: Outpatient Services.
Level II: Intensive Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization Services.
Level III: Residential/Inpatient Services.

Substance Use Disorder Services in Illinois:
1. Early Intervention: Pre-treatment services for individuals whose problems or risk factors appear to be related to substance use disorders but who do not meet any diagnostic criteria for such disorders.
2. Case Management: The provision, coordination, or arrangement of ancillary services designed to support a specific individual's treatment with the goal of improving clinical outcomes.
3. Outpatient Treatment: Diagnostic and clinical services in the least intensive level of care, usually less than 9 hours a week. Activities include individual, group and family counseling, and may include medication assisted recovery support. Outpatient treatment is classified as Level 1 care by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM).
4. Intensive Outpatient: Diagnostic and highly structured clinical services at a more intensive level than outpatient treatment, usually at least 9 hours per week. Activities can include individual counseling, group and family counseling, medication assisted recovery. Intensive Outpatient treatment counseling is classified under ASAM as Level 2.1 care.
5. Withdrawal management and medical stabilization: Immediate and short-term clinical support for persons to help manage withdrawal symptoms and initiate/stabilize patients on MAR, if appropriate. Withdrawal management is available in any level of care but most often delivered in a residential setting. Withdrawal management is ASAM levels 3.2 or 3.7 care.
6. Residential Rehabilitation: Residential services that range in intensity based on individual need, continued assessment, and level of care placement. These levels are ASAM 3.1, 3.5 care.
DUI Evaluation Process
Before you can enter any DUI classes or treatment, you must complete an alcohol and drug evaluation to determine the risk classification. The DUI evaluation will determine the risk classification of one of the following: minimal risk, moderate risk, significant risk, or high risk. The purpose of this evaluation is to determine the degree of the defendant’s alcohol and/or drug use and what risk that poses to public safety.
Licensed Substance Abuse Program
After the client is shown a list of licensed substance abuse programs. The Client can seek services from a licensed program of their choice.
The Licensed Substance Abuse provider will complete a comprehensive clinical evaluation must be completed to determine the level of care based on the biopsychosocial and American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM).
The ASAM Criteria uses a holistic approach. ASAM’s assessment for addiction treatment looks at six dimensions that include biology, psychology, and socio-environmental factors. This creates a fuller, more accurate picture of the individual patient.
Dimension 1 examines the patient’s past and current substance use and/or withdrawal.
Dimension 2 examines the patient’s current and past physical health status.
Dimension 3 examines the patient’s current and past mental health status.
Dimension 4 examines whether the patient is willing or ready to change their substance use.
Dimension 5 examines the patient’s individual risks of relapse or other continued substance use issues.
Dimension 6 examines the patient’s living situation and whether it will contribute to recovery.
Illinois DUI Risk Classifications
Minimal Risk
Minimum ten hours of DUI risk education
Moderate Risk
Minimum ten hours of DUI risk education
Minimum of 12 hours of early intervention- over a minimum of four weeks with no more than three hours per day in any seven consecutive days
Subsequent completion of any and all necessary treatment
Significant Risk
Minimum ten hours of DUI risk education
Minimum of 20 hours of substance abuse treatment
Active on-going participation in all activities specified in the continuing care plan. (Aftercare)
High Risk
Minimum of 75 hours of substance abuse treatment
Active on-going participation in all activities specified in the continuing care plan (Aftercare)